
Warhammer dawn of war iii youtube
Warhammer dawn of war iii youtube

warhammer dawn of war iii youtube

Gorgutz forms a new warband with them and begins preparations to travel to the lost world of Acheron, which he had learned existed after battling the Eldar and other factions to ultimate victory in the Kaurava System during the events of Dawn of War - Soulstorm. With Gitstompa defeated, Gorgutz quickly subjugates Gitstompa's other subordinates, which include the Ork Weirdboy psyker Zapnoggin and the Big Mek Wazmakka. On Cyprus Ultima, Gitstompa's cannon is sabotaged by Gorgutz, and it explodes just as he is about to engage Macha's forces, who overrun his position. Inquisitor Holt is incensed at the damage done to the Helios and Angelos orders Chaplain Apollo Diomedes to stay with his detachment on the Helios to defend it and oversee the starfort's repairs. Farseer Macha, however, does not trust Kyre at all, and secretly begins to build an Eldar insurgency with the aid of Ronahn, who pretended to cooperate with Kyre while serving as the Autarch's spymaster, and Jain Zar, Phoenix Lord of the Howling Banshees Aspect Warriors.Ī detachment of Eldar forces next assault the Imperial Starfort Helios where the Blood Ravens Chief Librarian Jonah Orion is studying an Eldar artefact, but Gabriel Angelos and his fellow Astartes arrive in time to rescue the Librarian, though at the cost of critical damage to the Starfort in the wake of the battle. Unable to communicate with anyone other than Kyre in her disembodied state, Taldeer finds herself effectively isolated from any outside help. In a trance, she prophecised that the "wayfarers" would be called forth by the Spear of Khaine and united by the " Storm Prince."Ĭonvinced that he is the Storm Prince destined to unite the fractured and nomadic Eldar against their foes, the power-hungry Autarch secretly keeps Taldeer prisoner in her Spirit Stone as a way to swell the ranks of his Swordwind force by using her as his puppet to reinforce the idea of his destined leadership among the other Eldar. While the stone was in Kyre's custody, Taldeer's spirit unwittingly told Kyre of the prophecy surrounding the Spear of Khaine. Kyre had previously seized the Spirit Stone of Farseer Taldeer ( Dawn of War - Dark Crusade) from her twin brother, the Eldar Ranger Ronahn ( Dawn of War II - Retribution), when he was trying to transport it to their home Craftworld of Ulthwé. Kyre is obsessed with the Spear of Khaine, named after the lost Eldar god of war Khaela Mensha Khaine, and said to be able to kill enemies with a single blow. Kyre intends to use Cyprus Ultima as a staging ground to travel to the planet Acheron when it emerges from the Warp after having been lost for many Terran centuries. They are not to be distracted by the violent follies of the Orks - even if this meant the destruction of one of the Emperor's knightly houses.Īutarch Kyre, the leader of the Craftworld Biel-Tan warhost, known as the Swordwind, on Cyprus Ultima, summons Farseer Macha to aid him against the Greenskins present on the Knight World.

warhammer dawn of war iii youtube

Meanwhile, Inquisitor Holt impatiently reminded Angelos that their primary mission in the region was to utilise a dozen Ramilies-class Starforts in order to form a blockade intended to contain any Warp contagion present on Acheron from spreading across the Imperium after its emergence from the Immaterium. Gitstompa uses the looted parts to build an enormous cannon capable of defeating the forces of the Eldar, who are also on Cyprus Ultima and assaulting the Orks. The Blood Ravens under Chapter Master Angelos run the blockade to bring aid to Lady Solaria, but not before Varlock Keep is looted by Gitstompa's erstwhile lieutenant, Gorgutz. For reasons unknown, the Imperial Inquisitor Holt has ordered the Imperial Navy to blockade the planet and denies the ruling Lady Solaria's Imperial Knight House Varlock any reinforcements planetside. The single-player campaign begins on the Imperial Knight World of Cyprus Ultima, which is under siege from a massive Ork horde led by Warboss Gitstompa. The Spear of Khaine shall call the wayfarers,Ī "catastrophic weapon," known only as the Spear of Khaine, has been discovered on the planet Acheron, long lost in the Warp, and three forces eventually converge on the world to recover it - the Blood Ravens Space Marines under their legendary Chapter Master Gabriel Angelos, the Eldar led by Farseer Macha (with both heroes returning from the first game), and an Ork WAAAGH! led by Warboss Gorgutz (his fourth appearance, after Dawn of War - Winter Assault, Dawn of War - Dark Crusade, and Dawn of War - Soulstorm). And blood shall spill over the wandering world.

Warhammer dawn of war iii youtube